Monday, August 2, 2010

Grown Up Kids

I guess no matter how "grown up" we feel we are, we'll always be kids around our parents.

Everyone seems to be in a rush to grow up.

I started this post almost 2 months ago when I was at a friend of a friend's graduation party. It was cute because I noticed these married, grown up men (in their late 20s, early 30s) going up to their moms and being like: ma, can you carry these in your purse for me? Or asking them to hold a jacket for them.

It was really cute. No matter how old we are, our parents will always be our parents. One day, when I have kids of my own, I hope to see that in me and in them.

I'm sure I still do that to my own mom, but I try to hold my own, be independent. At the end of the day, I'm just resting my head on her shoulders, feeling safe and murmuring "mommy".

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