Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Garrett's" is popcorn, not a disorder.

My sister and I made our way out through the kitchen - it was time to visit the garlic capital's premium outlets. She walked past a blue, cylindrical tin can on the floor, "Oh! Garrett's! From Chicago! Do you remember their popcorn?" I was halfway out the door, "Garrett's? Isn't that some sort of...disease or something?"

She looked at me like I was crazy, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you know...that thing..." In my mind scenes from South Park are playing. As I'm walking to unlock the car, I try to explain, complete with the twitching motion most usually associated with it, "That screaming, shouting thing where you're like: FUCK! SHiT! Assface! Oh snap wait-"

It was on the tip of my tongue, ready to pounce.

We both bust out, "Tourrette's!"


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