Sunday, June 21, 2009

God, how I hate zombies.

This nightmare came to me a few weeks back, but I still remember waking up with my heart racing as my eyes shot open while thinking what a horrible thing I had done..

I don't remember the exact context but I was sitting at this cafe that had a little theatre attached to it. I was sitting a few rows back from this movie star who was in the movie that was playing, but originally I had seats right next to them - but there was a mixup and I just sat wherever. The movie was over and I was in the cafe hanging out with people and as we were about to pay a fight broke out and some of the other people were apparently some sort of hybrid zombie (maybe a super zombie because they didn't walk around dragging their feet, swaying from side to side saying "braiiiiins......we want braiiiinnns......"). They were definitely a lot more intelligent - and evil. I can't remember the argument but I had this canister that contained a "zombie virus" and it got to a point where I so mad that without even thinking, I stabbed it into this one woman. I remember thinking "yeah, take that! this will freaking kill you.." and I watched in horror as I made a sudden realization that it would only make her stronger. Like Minority Report where there were all these screens playing multiple scenarios, I saw all these flashbacks of her "zombie life" and how horrible and evil she was. So much for "fighting poison with poison". People who were originally on my side, looked at me with disappoinment for what I had just done - I basically ended the world and put the lives of the ones I loved in imminent danger.

That woman flew up at me and my horror was increasing ten-fold as she told me: you know you shouldn't have done that, now they will pay..
Almost immediately, I knew what she was saying and everyone around her started flying up into the sky with her and they dropped this long red ribbon to the floor. I was but a mere mortal human versus these undead beings. "Follow us and you will see.." In a flash, they were gone, but this never-ending red ribbon led me to the path they had flown off to. I was like Harry Potter flying on his broomstick but more like diving through the air, rushing through the sky in this grey, hazy cloudy space of nothing, running as fast as my legs could take me in this darkness..and finally the ribbon stopped. It had wrapped around this invisible sphere partially, where you can just make out the shape, but it wasn't around the circumference of it. Like one of those wizard glass balls where if you touch it, a streak of "lightning" will connect from the middle to your hand, except, there were 4 different colored bottles hanging in the middle with separate bottles of what seemed to be gasoline swinging back and forth and hitting against the colored ones. There was lightning everywhere and just like that one scene in Resident Evil: Revolution (?) where Alice firetorches the sky with all the infected crows/ravens - the sky here had a layer of flames rolling across it like a never-ending layer of stratus clouds. I watched helplessly as I knew the impact of the gasoline bottles was getting harder and harder with each swing, it wouldn't be long before the smashed and flames would engulf those other bottles.

Within each bottle was my family and friends. I couldn't fly, I couldn't save them. There was nothing I could do. All because I had done what I did out of anger and haste, I put them in danger. They were going to die because of me.

I couldn't breathe when I woke up. That was enough of a lesson for me to stop doing things out of anger.

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