Monday, April 12, 2010

Crinkle Fries vs Seasoned Fries

I almost typed wrinkle fries. For they are a wee bit wrinkly.

Crinkle fries (and waffle fries) are the prettiest fries in the world. Even if they don't taste good, they certainly taste fun.

My lunch mission to bake frozen fries (sounds delicious eh?) resulted in conversations about couples' therapy, Chicago and grammar policing.

Now personally, I'd prefer Robin Thicke's "Sex Therapy" but he's a musician and that just works for him - needed or not.

Writing about grammar isn't nearly as fun as correcting people and then have them dub you the "grammar police on prowl". Fun grammar fact: "BFF Forever!" doesn't really work, 'cause what you're actually saying is "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER Forever". Lame. I've heard that phrase many times usually in a scene where there a lot of girls, high-pitched squealing, hugs and sporadic jumping...jump-hugging. Each time I bite my tongue, smooth out my ruffled grammar feathers, take a deep breath and tell myself "it's okay...they're dumb".

Hahaha I promise I'm really not that mean. I make typos too. I've let my fingers do the typing before the mind has processed what's gone down. I re-read my posts sometimes. And sometimes I see typos. Sometimes I see words that are spelled wrong but are also words so you don't get a red squiggly underneath it. Tricked! Into a false sense of security. Spell check should also context check. I like how there are grammar checks too, but sometimes I'm like: No, I like the way my sentence is structured. Thanks!

You realize there's nothing much about fries in this post. I just had some for lunch. And like this paragraph, they're finished.

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