Saturday, November 14, 2009

And now, a newfound dislike for rodents.

Believe me, I've always been a big animal lover. I almost crashed my friend's car trying to avoid hitting a poor chubby little groundhog (or maybe it was a gopher, can't remember but here's the difference).

I love all things cute and fuzzy and cuddly.

But upon my return to LA, I discovered a few things:
1) Ankie (my car) was dead.
2) Ankie was extremely in need of a wash and yes, the penises were still on the hood on the car, thanks to Master Hotcakes & Fabs.
3) Ankie made random jolts whenever I switched gears or accelerated past 20mph.

I must honestly thank God for getting me safely to the Honda dealership and also for having them open still - it was 5:30pm when I got thurr. Imagine if you can someone who knows little to nothing about cars thinking that her car is just acting silly because it felt neglected - yes I personify everything - and then refused to cooperate. Then the manager comes out with his handy dandy pocket flashlight upon hearing my description of what was wrong with the car and shines a light, literally, on the problem. I was utterly disgusted and creeped out to say the least. Yes, there were droppings in random corners, dips and crevices in the engine area, and also chewed up wires and tubing. Of course fixing this will be a valuable lesson to me: I will crawl into my engine space if I ever get locked out on a cold winter day to stay warm too.

Cute fuzzy little critters, what have I ever done to you?

PS: I love puns. Puns are awesome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor Ankie!! :( Maybe he chewed his own insides out of despair for being abandoned for so long!