Saturday, December 11, 2010

All I wanted was some popcorn at the movie

I went to the movies with some friends and decided to stop by the concession for some popcorn and Jimmy wanted a soda. I paid for it with my credit card and they gave me the receipts that you usually get at the car mechanics - the ones with the three layers (white, yellow, pink) and I was like, wow what a hassle! Then we were all seated along the bar/counter by the concession and there was a random drawing. I was chosen because I had number 11. One girl and one guy was chosen - we both had that number.

It was Garwin! Then suddenly there was a brawl, punches were flying and I somehow fell in a weird position and dislocated my knee. It immediately swelled up and bruised but we had to go on the mission we were selected to complete from the drawing. Outside a limo was waiting for us and we went to the first destination.

In the parking lot, we walked past this mini convenience center and I asked the cashier where I should go. She looked at us and said "oh, you're the elevens!" and she pointed us towards room number 11 (which looked like a theatre 11).

Destination 1: Old ladies were inside the room don't remember what they needed but they were mean.

Destination 2: Garwin and I are racing down the freeway at 80mph in his forest green civic until we passed a recently blown up congressional/banking building. And then Garwin turned into Edward (no, not the vampire) and I was still limping around like a gimpy :( We were gonna start packing some essentials into a small rolly suitcase but some agent lady (think Mr Smith from Matrix) stopped by and was like: You won't be needing that. She led us to the burned down building - and it still smelled weird (yes I can smell in my dreams). We got inside and it was this massive city hall-like atrium but with spirals and loops of red paths all over the place. The agent handed us a skateboard. We were supposed to navigate the right red path on the skateboard - and I know that scientifically it's not possible because those loops went upside down, totally against the law of gravity. And the two of us on one little board? How was that possible?

We put the board down on the starting point of one of the red paths...Ed stepped on and I grabbed his shoulders and off it went! Up up up, right right right....up up up and upside down, that was so scary! I felt like I was about to fall and then I was suspended mid-air!

There was a group of homeless-looking men, but I think they were in costume, standing below me. For some reason, I knew that I had to start singing a song from the Oliver Twist musical. And so I started singing and they all got into the chorus and this one man, who was Bill Sikes, confronted me in a duet and we were fencing with each other. But the entire time it was in a slow motion, air-suspended battle. Right at the end of the song, I somersaulted as he lunged at me and my sword went inside him. His eyes bulged in disbelief as he died and I woke up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize this was about a dream until halfway through your post. I was wondering what kind of movie theater you had gone to because it sounded pretty awesome!
